1. Theme installation

If you are installing a template in a working store, make a backup before.

1.Log in to your store's admin panel, then go to Design-> Theme & Logo and click on the "Add new theme" icon.

2.Method 1:

In the "ZIP file" field, select file AngarTheme.zip of your template and click "Save".

Method 2:

If you can't use method 1 add file AngarTheme.zip to the theme folder using FTP, then select the archive in the "IMPORT FROM FTP" field and click "Save".

3.Click "Use this theme".

2. Regenerate thumbnails

If after theme installation you don't see images in modules "Featured categories" and "Featured manufacturers" you must regenerate thumbinals.

Go to Design->Image Settings

Select "Categories" and "category_default" then click "Regenerate thumbnails".

Next select "Brands" and "manufacturer_default" then click "Regenerate thumbnails".

After thumbnails regeneration refresh your shop few times and images will be displayed (If you don't see images clear browser cache).

3. Clear cache

To finish installation please clear prestashop cache.

Go to Advanced Parameters->Performance

Select "Recompile templates if the files have been updated" and save.

Next click "Clear cache".

4. Fast configuration of modules

Go to Modules->Modules & Services

Select tab "Installed modules".

Find module "AT - 1. Fast configuration of modules" and click button "Configure".

Now you have fast access to configuration of important modules.

You can also disable modules. To do it select "No" scroll page down and click "Save" button.

5. More documentation