If you use theme version 2.0 please use this documentation:


Quick configuration of modules

To configure a theme, go to Modules and Services->Modules and Services and select "angarthemes" from the drop-down list.

Find the "AT - 1. Banners and quick configuration of modules" module and click on "Configure".

You will be redirected to the module configuration page where you will find quick access to the most important modules.


To configure the selected module click the "Configure" button on the right mouse button and select "Open Link in New Tab".

Below is a description of the modules and options:

"Display top banner" - adds the ability to insert a picture in the header. Normally disabled.

Configuration: Add image to module optionally link and description and save.

"Contact top" - phone and email in the header.

Configuration: Add your phone number and email and save.

"Menu" - Links in the menu.

Configuration: In the "Available Items" column, select the link that you want to add to the menu and then click on the "Add" button. When finished, click the "Save" button.

To add your own links in the "Label" field enter the name of the link, and in the "Link" field, paste the link and click the "Add" button. Now the newly added link will appear in the "Available Items" column from where it can be added to the menu.

"Slider" - pictures in the shop slider.

ConfigurationYou can change the "Speed" of the transition between images and "Pause" between the images in the slider configuration.

To add a new slider click on the plus icon and on the next page add a picture and fill in the fields marked with a star. Remember to also set "Enabled" to "YES" and save.

"Featured categories" - selected categories on homepage.

ConfigurationPress ctrl to select several categories and save. You can change the value of the field "Maximum number of subcategories" to display more subcategories.

If you want add or edit category image go to Catalog->Categories edit category and add new "Category Cover image".

"Category block" - block with categories of shop.

ConfigurationIn module configuration I recommend to select "Home category" and save.

"New products" - new products on the home page.

ConfigurationEnter how many products you want to display in the module and how long the product is new and save.

"Featured products" - featured products on the home page.

ConfigurationEnter how many products you want to display in the module and save.

"Bestsellers products" - bestsellers on the home page.

ConfigurationEnter how many products you want to display in the module and save.

"Special products" - Specials on the home page.

ConfigurationEnter how many products you want to display in the module and save.

"Parallax banner":

ConfigurationUpload banner image. Link and description are optional.

"Products from category" - Products from selected categories on the home page.

ConfigurationPress ctrl to select several categories. If you want use "Infinite loop" and "Auto start" make sure that you have enough products in your categories.

"Featured manufacturers":

ConfigurationPress ctrl to select several manufacturers. Use "Infinite loop" and "Auto start" only if you have more than 5 manufacturers.

"About our store" - Text block on the home page.

ConfigurationClick "edit" change text and save.

"CMS block before footer" - icons in front of the footer.

ConfigurationYou can edit the text directly in the cms editor.

If you want to remove the icon click on Tools-> Source Code and delete the first line in the popup that will appear.

"Newsletter" - newsletter block in the footer.

"Display links to your store's social accounts (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)" - add links to social networking sites.

Configuration: Paste links to social networking sites. If you do not paste the link the icon will not show.

"Cms - links in footer"links in the footer.

Configuration: Select which links to add to the footer.

Footer information - add copyright to footer

"Contact footer" - contact details in the footer.

Configuration: Fill in the fields and save.

"Facebook block" - slide tab with facebook.

Configuration: Paste a link to your fanpage on facebook and save.

"Display quick view window on homepage and category pages" - turn on or off the quick preview option.

"Display categories as a list of products instead of the default grid-based display" - it allows you to set as a standard "list" view instead of "grid" on category pages.

"Display subcategorie" - enables or disables the display of subcategories in categories.

"Display social sharing buttons on the product's page" - displays icons that allow users to share a product link on social networking sites.

Configuration: Select which icons to display on the product page.

"Display logos of available payment method" - displays a small banner with payment options on the product page.

Configuration: Add your picture and save.

Additional configuration options:

In the Preferences->Orders tab you can change the layout of the shopping cart page from the Five steps to One-page checkout.

You can also enable "Guest checkout" and choose which cms page to appear on the shopping cart as a rule.

Five steps:

One-page checkout:

In the Preferences->Products tab, in the "Pagination" section, you can set how many products in a category you want to display on a single page.